Breaker, Molded Case, 150A, 3P, 600VAC, 65kAIC, J Frame

Item #: 663573

Cat #: 140G-J6F3-D15

UPC: 885630568706

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Breaker, Molded Case, 150 Amp, 3-Pole, 600 Volt AC, 65 kAIC, J Frame
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Breaker, Molded Case, 150 Amp, 3-Pole, 600 Volt AC, 65 kAIC, J Frame
MCCBs are intended to provide overcurrent protection for conductors and equipment by opening automatically before the current reaches a value and duration that will cause an excessive or dangerous temperature in conductors or conductor insulation. Additionally, these devices can serve as the main disconnecting means for a control panel. This protection pertains to low level overcurrent, and short-circuit current. Traditionally these types of circuit breakers are generically described as thermal magnetic devices, though an increasing number of these devices are also electronic circuit breakers which provide the same type of protection, with the exception that the electronics allow the protection curves to be customized to the specific application.
Also known as: 885630568706, 140G-J6F3-D15


Poles: 3
Type: Breaker; Molded Case, Breaker
Amps: 150
Volts AC: 600
Interrupt Rating DC: 65 kA
Interrupt Rating AC: 65 kA
Poles: 3
Amps: 150
Interrupt Rating DC: 65 kA
Type: Breaker; Molded Case, Breaker
Volts AC: 600
Interrupt Rating AC: 65 kA

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