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254 Found

Compression Lug, Copper, 2-Hole

Item #: 260439
CAT #: LCC1000-12-3
UPC: 074983902903
Company wide:

Compression Lug, Copper, 2-Hole

Item #: 22542
CAT #: LCD4/0-12-X
UPC: 074983900961
Company wide:

Compression Lug, Copper, 2-Hole

Item #: 54046
CAT #: LCC2/0-38D-X
UPC: 074983382774
Company wide:

Compression Lug, Copper, 2 Hole

Item #: 461837
CAT #: LCD10-10A-L
UPC: 074983972159
Company wide:

Compression Lug, Copper, 2-Hole

Item #: 986068
CAT #: LCC1-14AW-E
UPC: 074983798001
Company wide:

Compression Lug, Copper, 2-Hole

Item #: 1381983
CAT #: LCDX8-10A-L
UPC: 074983436415
Company wide:

Compression Lug, Copper, 2-Hole

Item #: 48447
CAT #: LCD350-12-X
UPC: 074983901029
Company wide:

2/0 AWG Copper Compression Lug

Item #: 53845
CAT #: LCD2/0-38D-X
UPC: 074983383269
Company wide:

Copper Compression Lug, 2 Hole, 1/0 AWG

Item #: 51852
CAT #: LCD1/0-38D-X
UPC: 074983383221
Company wide:

Cu Lug,#4-#3AWGSTR,2SOL,1/4inStud,PK50

Item #: 53965
CAT #: LCD4-14A-L
UPC: 074983383047
Company wide:

Copper Compression Lug, 2 Hole, 500 kcmi

Item #: 48190
CAT #: LCD500-12-6
UPC: 074983901067
Company wide:

Compression Lug, 2-Hole, Copper, 6 AWG, 1/4" Stud, Window

Item #: 53898
CAT #: LCD6-14A-L
UPC: 074983383108
Company wide:

Compression Lug, Copper, 2-Hole

Item #: 48488
CAT #: LCD2/0-12-X
UPC: 074983900923
Company wide:

Compression Lug, Copper, 2-Hole

Item #: 48469
CAT #: LCD250-12-X
UPC: 074983900985
Company wide:

Compression Lug, Copper, 2-Hole

Item #: 447821
CAT #: LCDX4/0-14A-X
UPC: 074983449859
Company wide:

Copper Compression Lug, 2 Hole, #2 AWG

Item #: 22028
CAT #: LCD2-14A-Q
UPC: 074983382989
Company wide:

Compression Lug, Copper, 2-Hole

Compression Lug, Copper, 2-Hole, Long Barrel, 1000 kcmil Cable, 1/2 Stud Hole, 1.75 Hole Spacing
Item #: 260439
CAT #: LCC1000-12-3
UPC: 074983902903
Company wide:

Compression Lug, Copper, 2-Hole

Compression Lug, Copper, 2-Hole, Standard Barrel with Window, 4/0 AWG Wire, 1/2 Stud Hole, 1.75 Hole Spacing
Item #: 22542
CAT #: LCD4/0-12-X
UPC: 074983900961
Company wide:

Compression Lug, Copper, 2-Hole

Compression Lug, Copper, 2-Hole, Long Barrel, 2/0 AWG Wire, 3/8 Stud Hole, 1 Hole Spacing
Item #: 54046
CAT #: LCC2/0-38D-X
UPC: 074983382774
Company wide:

Compression Lug, Copper, 2 Hole

Compression Lug, Copper, 2 Hole, Standard Barrel with Window, 10 - 14 AWG Wire, #10 Stud Hole, .63 Hole Spacing
Item #: 461837
CAT #: LCD10-10A-L
UPC: 074983972159
Company wide:

Compression Lug, Copper, 2-Hole

Compression Lug, Copper, 2-Hole, Long Barrel with Window, #1 AWG Wire, 1/4 Stud Hole, .63 Hole Spacing
Item #: 986068
CAT #: LCC1-14AW-E
UPC: 074983798001
Company wide:

Compression Lug, Copper, 2-Hole

Compression Lug, Copper, 2-Hole, Flex, #8 AWG Wire, #10 Stud Hole, .63 Hole Spacing.
Item #: 1381983
CAT #: LCDX8-10A-L
UPC: 074983436415
Company wide:

Compression Lug, Copper, 2-Hole

Compression Lug, Copper, 2-Hole, Standard Barrel with Window, 350 kcmil Cable, 1/2 Stud Hole, 1.75 Hole Spacing
Item #: 48447
CAT #: LCD350-12-X
UPC: 074983901029
Company wide:

2/0 AWG Copper Compression Lug

Copper Compression Lug with No Sight Hole, Conductor Size: 2/0 AWG, 2-Hole Stud, Stud Diameter: 3/8", Hole Spacing: 1". For use with Copper Conductors in Grounding & Bonding Applications.
Item #: 53845
CAT #: LCD2/0-38D-X
UPC: 074983383269
Company wide:

Copper Compression Lug, 2 Hole, 1/0 AWG

Two-hole, standard barrel lug with window, 1/0 AWG wire, 3/8 stud hole, 1 hole spacing.
Item #: 51852
CAT #: LCD1/0-38D-X
UPC: 074983383221
Company wide:

Cu Lug,#4-#3AWGSTR,2SOL,1/4inStud,PK50

Two-hole, standard barrel lug with window, #4 ù #3 AWG STR, #2 AWG SOL wire, 1/4 stud hole, .63 hole spacing.
Item #: 53965
CAT #: LCD4-14A-L
UPC: 074983383047
Company wide:

Copper Compression Lug, 2 Hole, 500 kcmi

Two-hole, standard barrel lug with window, 500 kcmil cable, 1/2 stud hole, 1.75 hole spacing, NEMA hole sizes and spacing.
Item #: 48190
CAT #: LCD500-12-6
UPC: 074983901067
Company wide:

Compression Lug, 2-Hole, Copper, 6 AWG, 1/4" Stud, Window

Compression Lug, 2-Hole, Standard Barrel, Copper, 6 AWG, 1/4" Stud, Window, Coded Blue
Item #: 53898
CAT #: LCD6-14A-L
UPC: 074983383108
Company wide:

Compression Lug, Copper, 2-Hole

Compression Lug, Copper, 2-Hole, Standard Barrel with Window, 2/0 AWG Wire, 1/2 Inch Stud Hole, 1.75 Hole Spacing
Item #: 48488
CAT #: LCD2/0-12-X
UPC: 074983900923
Company wide:

Compression Lug, Copper, 2-Hole

Compression Lug, Copper, 2-Hole, Standard Barrel with Window, 250 kcmil Cable, 1/2 Inch Stud Hole, 1.75 Hole Spacing
Item #: 48469
CAT #: LCD250-12-X
UPC: 074983900985
Company wide:

Compression Lug, Copper, 2-Hole

Compression Lug, Copper, 2-Hole, Flex, 4/0 AWG Wire, 1/4 Inch Stud Hole, .63 Hole Spacing
Item #: 447821
CAT #: LCDX4/0-14A-X
UPC: 074983449859
Company wide:

Copper Compression Lug, 2 Hole, #2 AWG

Two-hole, standard barrel lug with window, #2 AWG wire, 1/4 stud hole, .63 hole spacing.
Item #: 22028
CAT #: LCD2-14A-Q
UPC: 074983382989
Company wide:
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254 Items found