4" Square Extension Ring, 1-1/2" Deep, Drawn, Metallic

Item #: 36793

Cat #: 203

UPC: 050169902035

4" Square, Extension Ring, Drawn, Metallic. Depth: 1-1/2". Side Knockouts: (8) 1/2" & (4) 3/4". Cubic Inches: 22.5"
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4" Square, Extension Ring, Drawn, Metallic. Depth: 1-1/2". Side Knockouts: (8) 1/2" & (4) 3/4". Cubic Inches: 22.5"
Extension rings provide additional cubic capicity. May be used an an outlet box fro surface conduit. Constructed from 1/16 in. pre-galvanized steel.
Also known as: 050169902035, 203


Knockout Diameter: 1/2 in, 3/4 in
Gangs: 2
Color: Silver
Material: Steel
Depth: 1 1/2 in
Cubic Inches: 22.500 in³
Knockout Diameter: 1/2 in, 3/4 in
Color: Silver
Depth: 1 1/2 in
Gangs: 2
Material: Steel
Cubic Inches: 22.500 in³

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