Antenna, Yagi, 15 dBi Gain, 2.4 to 2.5 GHz, 30dB Front to Back

Item #: 174803

Cat #: A2415NJ-DY


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Antenna, Yagi, 15 dBi Gain, 2.4 to 2.5 GHz, 30dB Front to Back Ratio


Antenna, Yagi, 15 dBi Gain, 2.4 to 2.5 GHz, 30dB Front to Back Ratio
Typically, Yagi antennas compose an array of linearelements, parallel to one another and attachedperpendicular to and along the length of a metal boom.Elements on one side of the feed element are longer andact as reflectors. Elements on the other side of the feedelement are shorter and act as directors. The antennaradiates in a beam out the end with the shorterelements
Also known as: A2415NJ-DY


Mounting: Bolt On
Range: 2.400 - 2.500 GHz
Mounting: Bolt On
Range: 2.400 - 2.500 GHz

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